Metalworking fluid in 2016
We are now leaving 2015 behind and looking forward to 2016. What can we expect from the metalworking fluid year of 2016? I have been looking into the crystal ball and think that the most influential factors will be:
Environmental requirements and legislation
Legislation within the field of chemicals is changing constantly, which means that the need for new products with a more environmentally compatible formulation is increasing rapidly. My hottest tip is that this trend will be reinforced during 2016. Increasing numbers of customers will require functional boron- and biocide-free metalworking fluids and increasing numbers of suppliers will try to offer this during 2016.
Biocide legislation, what will happen in 2016?
There are currently 27 biocide substances included in the evaluation programme for PT13 (biocides in metalworking fluids), applications for existing substances may be submitted until 1 September 2016. So, after 1 September we will know the substances for which applications have been made, others will disappear and thereby affect the operations in which they have been used.
We will probably see a large number of applications for harmonised classification, which will affect the approval process under the Biocidal Products Regulation. For example, we will see where the discussions lead concerning how sensitizing different Isothiazolinones are to the skin.
Costs and environmental policies
Overall costs for metalworking fluid are more important than litre prices. In combination with an environmental profile of the fluid, the overall cost of the fluid will to a greater degree be included in procurement during 2016 and become an even more substantial parameter in the future. Reduced volumes of metalworking fluid for destruction are something all companies without exception will endeavour to achieve.
Filter system and maintenance
With less toxins being used in the metalworking fluid, the requirement to ensure good circulation, good filtering and good maintenance in the metalworking fluid system will increase. Having a good status metalworking fluid filter which can flush out biofilm and clean it is something that will pay the more time goes by.
My tip is that 2016 will be a breakthrough year.
Measurement and documentation
Measuring and documenting the new metalworking fluids' parameters on a continuous basis increases the control and gives us knowledge on each unique metalworking fluid system. This is a key activity for a healthy production economy and in some cases, a customer requirement that will be further accentuated during 2016.
Product properties
Emulsions with a finer droplet size, higher pH, lower surface tension with lower consumption is something we will see more of as they meet requirements on being economical and simultaneously having good filterability and maintaining cleanliness in the processes. At the same time, there will probably be specialisation linked to certain processes in order to avoid process-specific chemicals that are subject to labelling requirements in products for general use. In other words, more metalworking fluids adapted for a specific application.
Cutting properties
The machine tools and the tools are becoming more and more advanced and in many processes the function of the metalworking fluid is degenerating into becoming a carrier of chips, an aid in breaking down chips and keeping the machines nice and clean. The lubricating properties in the fluid are reserved for a small number of processes and materials.
Good rust protection, good environmental properties, low foaming tendency and good cleaning capacity and filterability are parameters that will have an increased priority in the machines that are supplied during 2016.