LK Precision sharpens productivity with automated cutting fluid management
Through automated cutting fluid handling with FluidWorker 150, LK Precision has increased both its productivity and profitability. Read more about how the company created the conditions for more sustainable production and workplace.
Saw opportunities to improve productivity
LK Precision produces advanced parts with high precision. The demanding details and high-quality requirements mean that the operator must focus entirely on the machine, tool changes, and control measurements. The operator must measure and adjust the cutting fluid concentration daily, but time is limited, and sometimes there isn't time.
Maintenance of the cutting fluid is also needed when the machine is operating without supervision. LK Precision discovered that flooding sometimes occurred during refilling. Something that resulted in time-consuming cleaning work that disrupted production. Christian Enquist, CEO of LK Precision, therefore saw the opportunity for improvements through automated cutting fluid handling.
– Automating the daily cutting fluid maintenance gives the operators the conditions to focus on production while we are confident that the cutting fluid's properties are always optimal. Now we can prioritize what is most important: production.
Stable concentration of cutting fluid
Using the correct coolant concentration is essential for cost-effective metalworking. According to Willie Santiago, Production Manager at LK Precision, the unproductive maintenance performed by the operator is easy to miss. A concentration level that is too high results in health problems, unnecessary waste, and of course, it can cause a mess. Too low a concentration instead leads to problems with bacterial growth.
– In the past, we have been forced to use environmentally and health-hazardous biocides, which is something we now want to avoid, says Willie Santiago.
Tool life is also affected by concentration, and tools must be changed more often when the level has fallen below recommended limit values. High quality and tight tolerances are essential to management, who saw a connection between detail finish and concentration. Too large a deviation could, in the worst case, result in unnecessary and expensive cancellations.
Installation of FluidWorker 150
LK Precision works continuously to increase productivity and lower production costs. As a step along the way, the FluidWorker 150 was installed in October 2021, which automates the cutting fluid by continuously measuring and adjusting the concentration and tank level. The tank level is kept even without the risk of incorrect concentration or that it will end up outside the desired limit values. FluidWorker 150 also prevents bacterial growth with the help of industrial UV light so that health-hazardous biocides are avoided.
After installation, LK Precision also performed manual checks to verify that the measurements were correct. When two months had passed, and the concentration and tank level had remained stable throughout, the measures were terminated entirely. For the sake of the evaluation, only random samples were then taken to ensure the results.
3 significant benefits of modern cutting fluid management
LK Precision works continuously to increase productivity and lower production costs. As a step along the way, the FluidWorker 150 was installed in October 2021, which automates the cutting fluid by continuously measuring and adjusting the concentration and tank level. The tank level is kept even without the risk of incorrect concentration or that it will end up outside the desired limit values. FluidWorker 150 also prevents bacterial growth with the help of industrial UV light so that health-hazardous biocides are avoided.
Raised quality
The correct concentration and tank level provide stable and productive processing resulting in higher-quality components.
Improved workplace
The operators can focus on production while the workplace becomes safer and more attractive.
Cost savings
Savings through increased tool life, lower cutting fluid consumption, reduced waste, and less need for biocide additives.
The economy and environment are the winners
Willie Santiago expects lower consumption of cutting fluid as the margins do not have to be as significant anymore, which positively affects the economy and the environment. With better cutting fluid quality without bacteria, the cutting fluid also lasts longer. Just by avoiding a cutting fluid change, there are significant savings in terms of waste and refilling.
You can also use the FluidWorker 150's continuously stored data on the consumption of cutting fluid and water as well as the temperature of the cutting fluid. This is available via network or USB, thus optimizing the settings of the best concentration where consumption is minimal without adversely affecting production or tool wear.
About LK Precision
LK precision in Länna, south of Stockholm, manufactures components in metal and plastic with complex geometry, tight tolerances, and high demands on precision. Their customers are world leaders in medicine, space, aviation, and manufacturing. The company is part of the XANO Group, which develops, acquires, and operates niche technology companies within the development and manufacturing industry.